Unexpected Rewards of Philanthropy

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In 1990 before we could really afford it, Glenna and I decided to sponsor five-year-old José in Guatemala. In addition to the monthly stipend, we mailed him many letters, cards, and photos. José reciprocated by sending us letters and pictures he drew. It turned into nearly 15 years of correspondence until he unexpectedly aged out of the program. We were heartbroken; partly for ourselves but even more so wondering what José must have felt about us suddenly dropping out of his life.

For the sake of brevity*, I will refrain from details as to how it came about after nearly 20 years, we reunited with José and his family, including spending a week with them in LA last month! Words fail to express all the wonderful emotions Glenna and I have felt since our reuniting with this sweet family, but the first thought I had after our first phone call last fall was that it was as though young Steve and Glenna paid it forward to old Steve and Glenna!

It can be awkward to discuss one’s proclivity for being charitable. For one thing, I think it should be a private, personal consideration. I prefer to let other people (including clients) bring it up first. But sharing this recent experience with friends prompted me to “go public” about it because over and over again we’ve heard “That is so encouraging! We always wonder if we are really making a difference.”

Obviously, I can’t vouch for all charitable organizations, and it is extremely rare to learn first-hand that the stipend you give is making a difference. But if you are charitable, I can tell you first-hand, that sometimes a little bit means more than you can imagine!

*Feel free to ask about more details! I will happily share upon request.